About the company
Our company has been a leading supplier to the European automotive industry for over 30 years. The production of cable harnesses, CNC machining, moulding of plastic and metal components and assembly of mechatronic components all belong to our portfolio of activities, where we pay particular attention to high quality work and maximum customer satisfaction. ISO and IATF certifications are therefore a matter of course for us.
In addition, we also offer services in the sheltered labour market. We operate our own sheltered workshop where, thanks to close cooperation with our subsidiary HRO Technology a.s., we are able to provide precise services in the field of mould and automatic line production as well as maintenance and other services. In short, we can be not only a comprehensive supplier, but also the right business partner for you.
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We operate in four plants in the Czech Republic and two in Bulgaria, and although it has not always been an easy path, the results we have achieved in more than 30 years on the market confirm that it has been successful.
You can find us in the following locations:
- Nové Město nad Metují (30 employees) - CNC machining
- Náchod (350 employees + 15 employees s.w.) - serial production, assembly of sub-volant systems, cable production, sheltered workshop
- Zdice (400 employees) - plastic and metal pressing plant, plastic overmoulding of metal parts, 2K parts, assembly, tool shop
- Čenkov (30 employees + 30 employees s.w.) - spare parts production, sheltered workshop